Regional VVV’s Collaborate to Showcase the Duin- en Bollenstreek

In a bid to elevate the profile of the Duin- en Bollenstreek region, the board of the Duin- en Bollenstreek Promotion Foundation is forging ahead with plans for enhanced collaboration. On Thursday, March 11th, a significant milestone was marked with the launch of the website, made possible through a crucial operational contribution from the Economic Board Duin- en Bollenstreek (EBDB). The site is set to play a pivotal role alongside, recognizing its importance for the region.

Quirine Kamphuisen, Director of Noordwijk Marketing and Chair of the Duin & Bollenstreek Promotion Foundation, emphasizes the significance of this united effort: “Whether visitors are strolling, cycling, or cruising through our region, they seamlessly traverse municipal boundaries. It’s only natural for us to collectively spotlight the richness of our offerings.”

The Power of Connection

Lars Flinkerbusch, Director of EBDB, underscores the importance of cohesion: “This marks a significant stride in promoting our splendid region. The Duin- en Bollenstreek Promotion Foundation is facilitating closer collaboration among regional VVV ‘s and local destination organizations, recognizing that unity is pivotal in crafting an exceptional regional tourism product. Central to this endeavor is our joint website. Through, alongside, all pertinent tourist information can be consolidated and easily accessible. This seamless integration ensures that all municipalities are seamlessly connected, providing visitors with a comprehensive overview of our offerings.”

A Healthy and Energetic Region

Quirine Kamphuisen further underscores the regional significance: “Together with the Economic Board, we’re championing the Duin- en Bollenstreek as a vibrant and dynamic region. Over the coming period, our marketing organizations will collaborate on tangible projects, including thematic linking of hiking and cycling routes and concerted promotion of regional activities. Our promotional efforts extend not only to tourists but also to encouraging local residents to explore neighboring municipalities. holds a crucial position in this initiative, recognizing its importance in spotlighting the richness of our region.”

Destination Marketing Organizations

The Duin- en Bollenstreek Promotion Foundation comprises various destination marketing organizations from municipalities across the region, including the Warmond aan de Kaag Foundation, Hillegom Marketing Foundation, Lisse Marketing Foundation, and Noordwijk Marketing.

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